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Showing posts from March, 2020

Hang Till Death

It was the fateful night of 12 th December 2012, when a women physiotherapy intern, was beaten, gang raped and tortured in a moving bus. The incident become a milestone in the field of policing, judiciary, and society at large. It poses fundamental question to the system that govern this country and in terms of the above said parameters. After the rape was done police hunt down all the 6 culprit and case was registered against them for attempt of murder, destruction of evidence, kidnapping, murder and rape. Case started against them, and by March 2020 after 7 years and couple of months, 4 convicts were hanged in Delhi. This incident raises many questions: Question of custodial death Question of judiciary reform Fundamental of policing in country Societal reform Grilling on above question will give us an insight on how the system work and what need to be done to fill the loopholes. Let’s dive-in Custodial Death Committing a crime is a heinous act, and it sho...
Primary question people ask from me is why I started writing blogs? It a question which need little context to make our reading community (as I invite u all to my this blog, and give your opinion on each and every post). So, lets explore the context, In the world that we live in modern is very fast moving and since the advent of internet, this pace of change got supercharged. In first decade of the 21st century third world countries are having very less penetration of internet but now as internet reaches the citizen of these countries it have created a lot of opportunity, on the flip side it have created dangers too. Most susceptible group is 'youth'. The same youth on which politicians do their politics, movie start run their movies and leaders create their following. This youth is getting information in a very filtered formed and most of all they can't decide which information to rely on. Thus, as a citizen of India (yes, one of the major third wor...